Durga Films Production

Durga Films Production is a well known Production House in Noida (India), Well known for Acting, Auditions, Webseries, Short Films and much more. Call us today!

How can we help you?

Durga Film Production Can Help You in Various Ways:

Acting Classes
Portfolio Maker
Casting Service
Modelling Classes
Project Maker
Event Management

Our Customers

Check out our customers whom with we have worked

Recent Films

Registered Artist

Are you looking to become part of the production crew and make movies happen? If you live in the Delhi or Noida area, there’s no better way to do this than by becoming part of the Registered Artist program at Durga Films Production.

"Amazing Crew and Quality Work!"

We offer Project Maker | Casting Services | Acting Classes | Modeling Classes | Protfolio Maker | Event Organizer | Product Shoot

Meet Our Leadership

Our Leaders In One Frame

Production Head


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Marketing Head


Casting Head


Would you like to start a project with us?

Start a project with us today or to be more clear give us a call.